Legislation Overview

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Legislation Overview

Legislation Overview

Important Hazardous Waste and Recycling Information can be found on the UK Government (DEFRA) Website


Hazardous Waste Legislation

This is a complex matter involving detailed permitting/licensing procedures and usually the concept of audit trails. ORA recommend to those wishing to understand the policies and framework of UK legislation to search the DEFRA web pages 


End of Waste

An important concept of European waste legislation is that once something is a waste it remains controlled within waste legislation until it stops being a waste. A recovery/recycling operation or waste treatment procedure alone does not necessarily confer End of Waste status on the substances or materials being treated.

This area is fraught with legal complexity but is truly pertinent to the case for the reuse of previously used oils. ORA members can offer to guide enquirers on this topic and its relevance to certain classes of fuels that can be given official end of waste status and thus used essentially uncontrolled from the requirements of waste legislation. These are generically called Processed Fuel Oils.


UK Hazardous Waste Regulations

Hazardous Waste Regulations are appropriate to England, Scotland and Northern Ireland being derived from EU ‘umbrella’ waste Directives. There are however different interpretations within the UK’s regions and its devolved governments / associated regulatory regimes, so please check accordingly.

This important information for across the United Kingdom can be found at:

England and Wales

Northern Ireland.

In Scotland


ORA members of course will be pleased to help waste producers to manage their waste both legally and responsibly.